Psychotherapy Experience
I run a successful private practice in Oakland California, focused on couples and individuals, with a specialization in relationships and sexuality. Over the course of my 17 year career I’ve worked with people from many walks of life. This includes children, teens, and adults, men and women, straight and LGBTQQA singles and couples, and African, European, Asian, and Latin Americans. I’ve also worked with people from a variety of spiritual and religious backgrounds, including Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Pagans, and Spiritually fluid folks. Taking part in my clients healing and growth has been an immense honor and a joy. Everyday my clients inspire me to learn and grow, as a therapist and as a person.
Teaching Experience
I find great pleasure in teaching the next generation of therapists. My classes focus on responsible pleasure positive therapy for people of all orientations and backgrounds. I have taught sexuality to graduate students at California Institute of Integral Studies, and John F. Kennedy University, and teach a yearly workshop at the Pacific Center titled “Diverse Desires Out of the Closet: Sexual Fluidity & Beyond”. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops on the new neurobiology of female sexuality.
Professional Memberships
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
National Association of Social Workers
Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of California. LCSW #26430
Call me: 510.290.8303 for a no obligations chat, or Email me: